Armstrong’s Point Association Committees
- APA Committees are developed to assist in the execution of the APA mandate and are required to report all their activities to the Board.
- Every committee is required to have a member of the Board as the Chair or as a member.
- All committees liaise with each other when required.
- All committees are expected to raise funds if possible and/or necessary to achieve their mandate; fund raising activities are approved and coordinated by the Board.
- Every committee provides an Annual Report which includes a financial report.
Tree Committee
In recognition of the high value in which Armstrong’s Point neighbourhood holds the preservation of its urban canopy, the Tree Committee’s mandate is:
- To protect the parks, riparian forest and boulevards including the replacement of trees
- To liaise with the City, and Armstrong’s Point residents
- To serve as a conduit of information to residents regarding trees in public and private spaces.
Heritage Committee
- Identify and support the preservation of built structures, historical artifacts, and lands of cultural historical significance or historical value
- Promote conservation and awareness of this community’s cultural heritage assets and champion Armstrong’s Point as an official, nationally recognized heritage community
- Make an effort to share important local history of Armstrong’s Point through education, designation and conservation
The Beautification Committee is a sub-committee of the Heritage Committee Mandate:
- Advise and implement initiatives that enhance the beauty of Armstrong’s Point whilst maintaining its cultural and historical significance, including public amenities and landscaping.
Social Committee
- Encourage and promote community spirit and cohesiveness by initiating and organizing social events for the residents of Armstrong’s Point e.g.: A Summer BBQ, a Fall Event and a Seasonal Holiday Party in December.
Safety, Security and Maintenance Committee
- Promote safety in Armstrong’s Point and the security of its residents through community awareness and collaboration with law enforcement and elected officials
- Ensure maintenance of infrastructure, including entrance gates, public lighting and public sidewalks.
Zoning Committee
- Investigate and where possible facilitate resolution of issues which threaten to compromise the R1 or HCD designation of Armstrong’s Point.